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Collect Your Fighters and Save the World at Dragon Ball Legends


Dragon Ball Legends is an online fighting game for Android and iOS. In it, you select from one of three fighters and battle another player in real time. The fighting action is fast paced and fun to play. Also, one of the great things about the game is its ease of play.

Who are https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dragonball/jooibpogiegoejcdgdeifdddbcpihnbd in Dragon Ball Legends?

In Dragon Ball Legends, fighters are classified into tiers and these tiers correspond to a certain power level. Tier lists are great for people who are truly into the game and want to maximize their success in each battle. Though, you should look out where you get the tier lists because there are a lot of lists made by fans only and of course the content would differ. One thing is clear, however, and that is that these two characters are at the top of EVERY list: SP Super Saiyan 2 Youth Gohan Red and SP Super Saiyan God Vegito Blue.

Do character colors in Dragon Ball Legends have a meaning behind them?

Players do not win battles by merely clicking buttons. One of these important facets is the various colors of a fighter. There are five main colors which are red, yellow, purple, green, and blue. A color represents an element and some elements are stronger or weaker when pitted against other elements. Moreover, there are two special elements which are light and dark and are colored as white and black.

How do I summon fighters in Dragon Ball Legends?

Fighting in Dragon Ball legends consist of simple techniques and, of course, using your summoned fighters. Your summoned fighters are probably the most important aspect of your Dragon Ball Legends life. Fighters are not free and you need to summon them for a certain price. In particular, players must use a chrono crystal to summon fighters.

Are chrono crystals bought?

Login bonuses, bugs and maintenance rewards, mission completion, first time chapter completion, challenge completion, campaign completion before deadline, pre-registration reward, and playing ranked matches are some methods in the game to get a precious chrono crystal. Chrono crystals are also available for purchase through in-game transactions because Dragon Ball Legends is a gacha game.

What are the techniques to win in a Player versus Player battle in Dragon Ball Legends?

Although playing against fellow players in Dragon Ball Legends might seem easy because you only use one hand, but it does involve some real strategizing. How the fight will turn out depends on how you move your characters and how you plan your way. You have to be wary of both your movement and the movement of your enemy and of course your own features like ki levels and dodging.